Community Partners

NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.
NAMI provides advocacy, education, support and public awareness so that all individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives.

Louisiana Organ Procurement Agency helps save lives, restore health and enhance medical care through organ and tissue donation. LOPA is a nonprofit that services our state’s diverse community by supporting families through tragic loss, during the donation process, and along their grief journey. Donation can save and enhance lives in a variety of ways. Most notable are organs that are transplanted into very sick people–giving them a second chance at life. Organs that can be donated are: heart, lungs, liver/hepatocytes, pancreas/islet cells, kidneys, and intestines. Yet, people suffering with more common ailments such as sports injuries, eye diseases such as glaucoma, and clogged veins can be treated with donated tissues. Burn victims and those with severe wounds also benefit from tissue donation.

STOPS (ST. TAMMANY OUTREACH for the PREVENTION of SUICIDE) was formed as a private non-profit organization in December 2001. The organization is comprised entirely of volunteers who are committed to providing community programs to lower the suicide rate in the parish as well as to ameliorate the sting of the loss of a loved one to suicide. St. Tammany Parish has one of the highest suicide rates in the state and is approximately 18% above the state average.

FPHSA is a community agency that provides recovery-based and person-centered Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Services.
FPHSA serves residents of the five Florida Parishes north of Lake Pontchartrain: Livingston, St. Helena, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, and Washington.
Along with traditional clinic services, such as evaluation, therapy, and medication management, several other services are provided through contract providers, such as respite care, case management, crisis intervention, in-home therapy, vocational training, housing support, etc. In addition to community-based outpatient services, FPHSA has two inpatient substance abuse treatment programs, the Fontainebleau Treatment Center (FTC) and the Alcohol Drug Unit (ADU). FPHSA serves both adults and children who meet the treatment criteria for services in the areas of addictive disorders, developmental disabilities, and mental health.