Firearm Safety
Gun Safety Rules
Firearm education and safety is paramount.
Treat all guns as if they are loaded.
Always assume that a gun is loaded even if you think it is unloaded.
Every time a gun is handled for any reason, check to see that it is unloaded.
If you are unable to check a gun to see if it is unloaded, leave it alone and seek help from someone more knowledgeable about guns.

NRA rules for safe gun handling
- ALWAYS Keep The Gun Pointed In A Safe Direction
- Keep Your Finger Off The Trigger Until Ready To Shoot
- Keep The Gun Unloaded Until Ready To Use
When using or storing a gun, always follow these additional NRA rules:
- Know your target and what is beyond.
- Know how to use the gun safely.

Be sure the gun is safe to operate:
- Use only the correct ammunition for your gun.
- Wear eye and ear protection as appropriate.
- Never use alcohol, over-the-counter drugs, or prescription drugs before or while shooting.
- Store guns so they are not accessible to unauthorized persons.
- Additional Safety Precautions
- Cleaning