New Parent Classes
Each year, 3,500 infants under the age of one year die as a result of Sudden Unexplained Infant Death in the United States. The majority of these deaths are traced back to unsafe sleep practices or an unsafe sleeping environment.
To combat this preventable loss of life, the St. Tammany Parish Coroner’s Office has partnered with the Southwest Louisiana Safe Sleep Task Force and the National Cribs for Kids Program to provide free education and training to expectant parents and caregivers. Many parents do not understand the importance of, or can’t afford, a safe sleeping environment for their child’s rest time.
Upon completing this training, each couple will receive a free, safe sleep environment in the form of a Graco Pack N’ Play. The Coroner’s Office cannot purchase these vital crib units with public funds and therefore depends on the generosity of donors to buy these safe spaces for babies to sleep.